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Pure Greek Food

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Pure Greek Food

In a sector with strong growth prospects, AristotleFood has set the line with its firm commitment to quality, diversify by offering consumers quality and variety at the best prices on the market.

This is an amazing tour of the treasures of the finest Greek products.
For you who are looking for the fine, quality, Greek food but also affordable!

Our Produce

Mountain Tee

Mountain tea is a valuable herb that thrives in the mountainous regions of Greece. It offers protection in the body and has many vitamins and equally many therapeutic properties. Ever since antiquity Dioscorides used it as a wound healing and is beneficial to the blood vessels of the heart.
Its powerful healing and rejuvenating action makes it ideal for use in wounds, while protecting against wound infections due to its antimicrobial and antibacterial action. Its analgesic action combined with its anti-inflammatory action makes it ideal for protecting and washing wounds both externally and internally, as an infusion or tincture. it is also a stimulant of the brain and muscles.
The tea infusion is highly tonic and fights hypertension, while, due to its antioxidant activity, it inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
It also protects against common colds, while it is also antipyretic and sweating. It strengthens the immune system and stimulates it while at the same time it has an antiviral effect. It is used in cases of tonsillitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx and for colds. Its healing properties still help in the fight against capillary and heart diseases, thanks to the so-called flavonoids it contains.
Siderite has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system relieving from respiratory problems. It improves cardiovascular function, and because of the high iron levels it has, it prevents anemia. It works in the body as an antithrombotic, protecting against cardiovascular diseases.
With regard to the stomach, mountain tea stimulates gastric secretions, so it works well as a digestive and its astringent properties make it ideal for treating inflammations of the stomach, intestines and the urogenital system.
It is believed that the systematic use of mountain tea infusion causes detoxification of vital organs such as the liver and kidneys. Recently, other medicinal properties of tea have been discovered. Prevents the onset of osteoporosis and acts against Alzheimer's disease! Also studies have shown that the use of sideritis helps prevent osteoporosis, which is not yet fully established.
It is worth mentioning that mountain tea is one of the few herbs for which there have been no contraindications or side-effects of overconsumption. It is an infusion that is pleasant to taste as hot as cold, whenever you can enjoy it safely in summer and winter.

Balsamic Vinegar

Vinegar production is based on the conversion of alcohol into acetic acid. Historically, vinegar is the oldest and most popular of the spices used in gastronomy. Its origins go hand by hand with the use of wine, approximately in 6000 B.C, as they are both the natural outcome of the product of alcoholic fermentation.

The Greeks used it widely in cooking and they are the first to distinguish different kinds of vinegar based on its place of origin. As far as the link between vinegar and well- being is concerned, it dates way back, as, by nature, vinegar has disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. Ancient physicians Hippocrates and Galen used vinegar as a medicine and so did the Egyptians, Romans and Chinese.

You will find here  100% natural Greek product, with no added coloring or sweeteners. Ideal for BBQ marinades, salads, enriches sauces and dips.

Our products are certified with FSSC-22000 by TUV Nord.

Greek Honey

The ancient Greeks believed that the first bees were born in Crete.
It is even said that the daughter of the King of Crete, Melissa, raised Zeus in the cave with milk from Amalthia and honey. For this reason, clay cells of the Minoan era (3400 BC) were found during the excavations in Phaistos.
All the Olympian gods, however, were fed on nectar (meth) and ambrosia (honey), while the most beautiful god of all, Apollo, fed exclusively on them.
However, the systematic cultivation of honey began after hellenistic times (323 - 31 BC), although the first collection of honey from wild beehives in caves, refers as early as the 8th century to the works of Homer and Hesion.

Honey is one of the most valuable, nutritious and healthiest foods available to man. From Hippocrates to modern doctors recommend it as a natural medicine in many cases, from constipation and anemia, to heart disease and cases of depression and weakness. Honey is also recommended for children, after their usual two years, who enjoy this precious food either plain, with butter and bread, or together with fruits or cereals as a healthy and beneficial breakfast or snack at all times.

Straight from Greece


Pure Greek Food
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